
        電腦操作一段時間後總會開始變得不順暢,原因當然有很多,其中比較普遍的因素來自於系統過於雜亂、垃圾檔堆積過多、登錄檔未清理...等,通常只要使用軟體對其整理、優化後,系統的執行速度便會加快。Smart PC Professional 就是一款可以處理大部分系統整理工作的軟體,它的功能涵蓋了登錄檔、無效捷徑的修復、上網暫存資訊、垃圾檔案、重覆檔案的清除以及windows 系統優化.....等,一套就可以搞定大部分的系統整理。

Smart PC Professional 的系統整理功能裡頭包含了"上網痕跡清除"功能,這個功能對於注重隱私權的人來說可是很有用的功能,原因是現在的作業系統跟網路瀏覽器功能越來越強大,通常能將你上網的瀏覽資訊、輸入的各項資料、甚至各項動作都完整的記錄下來,這其實是方便你下次使用的時候有自動記憶填上的功能,或者瀏覽器可以有加速作用,可是卻也因此嚴重的暴露了個人上網的隱私,而使用Smart PC Professional的這項功能可以輕易的讓你把暫存檔案、上網快取、cookies...等全部清除,不會讓其他人"不小心"探視了你的隱私。

Smart PC Professional 在操作上很貼心的使用了所謂的"專案"模式,這其實也就是一般我們俗稱的"傻瓜"式操作模式,你只須按照圖示然後按幾下滑鼠便可以完成想要的功能操作,專案裡頭又區分了快速、一般、完整,這樣也給出了相對的彈性應用;當然如果你對系統整理有比較深入的認識,也可以藉著更細部的選擇來執行相對的功能。這也就是說Smart PC Professional 其實適合入門者使用,卻也同樣能夠滿足進階者的需求。

Smart PC是一款集結了系統修復、磁碟清理以及系統優化於一身的軟體。通過它可以讓我們修復系統登錄的錯誤或是系統中無效的快捷方式,更可以讓我們清除垃圾檔案以及上網記錄等功能。不但註冊表的錯誤藉此修復進而穩定系統,更會因為垃圾檔的清除進而節省電腦硬碟空間,甚至還可以保護我們的個人隱私!

Smart PC Professional is different from the basic version in a greater variety of opportunities and increased capability. Smart PC performs three main tasks: Fix, Clean and Optimize your PC. Smart PC professional makes significant improvements in the above-mentioned sections.

Smart PC Professional makes your PC faster, error-free and more efficient!

Smart PC Professional ensures your personal privacy while surfing through the Web and protects your PC from information theft.

Smart PC Professional supports Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera web browsers.

Here are some key features of "Smart PC Professional":

Fix up your PC!
You can fix your computer by yourself. Use the software to detect, diagnose and repair all types of PC problems. Regular use of the software will keep your computer running smooth and error-free without system failures.

Clean up your PC!
Normal operation of your PC generates lots of junk files some of which contain private information. The software easily detects useless junk and safely removes it reclaiming valuable disk space, ensuring personal privacy and security.

Optimize your PC!
Do you want to make your computer more powerful? The software can drastically quicken Window's startup time and the performance of all applications.

Protect against Identity Theft - Clean up your tracks
Operations you perform with your computer are recorded and may be exposed to unauthorized disclosure without your knowledge. The Ensure Personal Privacy tool helps you to maintain your personal privacy.

適合系統:Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista


Smart PC Professional_v5.3 綠色繁中
Smart PC Professional_v5.3 綠色繁中
Smart PC Professional_v5.3 綠色繁中

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