
jv16 PowerTools應該能夠滿足你的需求。之前V.2007的版本在網路上頗受好評,許多玩家應該都下載使用過,這次的V.2008版本在介面上做了很大的改變,讓它操作起來更順暢了。

jv16 PowerTools提供對Windows系統的全面管理、控制,可用於註冊表、檔案系統和本地網絡的監控與優化。註冊表工具可以維護Windows 增加/刪除軟體列表、卸載軟體、掃瞄註冊表中的無效鍵值、刪除無效內容、控制系統啟動時加載的程式、訪問遠程電腦的註冊表、檔案系統工具能搜索本地或遠程 電腦中的零長度檔案、重複檔案、臨時檔案、無效快捷方式等.局域網工具可以運行遠程電腦中的程式、發送消息、即時聊天、遠程控制登陸/關機/重開、遠程任 務管理等。

It's a matter of natural law... The longer a computer functions the slower it becomes. But now you can disobey this law... It's time to give your computer a boost and make it run faster than you ever thought possible.

jv16 Powertools is guaranteed to...

  • Improve the performance of your computer.
  • Release your hard drive from useless files.
  • Fix those nasty bug that have piled up.
  • Achieve all of the above without bloating your system.

05.03.2008 - jv16 PowerTools 2008 updated
An updated version of jv16 PowerTools 2008 released. The updated version contains the following changes.

  • Fixed a bug from Startup Manager which caused it to break some system services of Windows Vista, such as the Event Viewer.
  • Fixed minor translation based bugs which caused some parts of the product not to be translated correctly if language other than English was used.

The new version's version number is After downloading and installing the new version, please open the Help > About window to verify you are running the latest version. Some browsers tend to cache the installation file and therefore you might not receive the latest version but the same old version you have previously downloaded.

You can install the new version over any previous versions of jv16 PowerTools 2008.


jv16 PowerTools 2008  V. 繁中免安裝

更新:jv16 PowerTools 2009 V1.9.1.602

jv16 PowerTools 2009 V1.9.1.602 繁中免安裝


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