RJ TextEd 是一款集多方面編輯功能於一身的文字編輯器,你可以簡單的拿它來替代Windows 內建的筆記本功能,它的頁簽功能可以讓你在操作上便利不少,它在搜尋、替代功能、編輯功能....等都是相對好用多了。除此之外,拿它來撰寫程式、網頁都是很棒的選擇,RJ TextEd 具備了自動完成、代碼縮放、代碼高亮度辨識、FTP自動傳輸、網頁預覽....等進階編輯功能。至於大家關心的介面問題更是很貼心的支援了包含繁中在內的多國語系,而面板也是可隨時更換的設計,這麼好用的軟體依然免費!!
RJ TextEd是一款既可以編輯文字又兼或做web開發工具的 Unicode 文字編輯器,具有句法突出,同步編輯,支持 ftp, HTML 預覽,時間的檢查和電子郵件支持。編輯使用句法定義文件和語言文件。這意味著編輯能夠認出任何一類文本,有一份可提供的句法文件。
RJ TextEd is a Unicode text and source editor. It is also a simple web development tool with features like syntax highlighting, advanced column mode and code folding. Below is a small list of features available. For a full list check out the Features section.
- Auto completion: Works with html tags, CSS properties and classes.
- Code folding: Fold collapsible text blocks for easier editing.
- Column mode: Column editing. Some wizards are available.
- ASCII and binary files: The editor handles these as well.
- Html tag wizards: There are several included for creating tables, frames...
- CSS editor: Install and use TopStyle Lite as your CSS editor. All html wizards support TopStyle.
- FTP client: Manage your site and synchronize your local and remote folders.
- Sidebar: Here you can access two file explorers, text clips, code explorer, FTP client...
- Conversion: The editor can convert between code pages, Unicode formats and text formats.
- UTF-8: This format is sometimes used without a BOM to identify the file type. RJ TextEd handle these to.
- Html validation: Validate, format and repair your html code using wizards.
- Tools: There are several tools installed like the syntax editor or the charmap utility
選擇程式上方的功能列→Environment→Options→Language→選擇 "cht.ini"→select→OK
RJ TextEd 4.21 多國語系繁中免安裝
RJ TextEd 4.20 多國語系(繁中)免安裝