Recuva 是一款讓你可以用來救回已經刪除的檔案,而且不管是否是安全刪除的檔案幾乎都可以救回來,前提是檔案原本的組簇集未被覆蓋就可以,這意思也就是說短期間內被誤刪的檔案幾乎都有機會就回來,它最主要的功能用在當你不小心刪錯檔或軟體操作錯誤造成檔案遺失,能夠幫助你立即恢復該檔案。很棒的是他亦支援了數位相機、MP3..等設備的記憶卡、部份外接設備..等的操作,這樣不論是電腦硬碟或者各式3C設備的記憶卡都可以用它來救檔,如此一來重要的文件、圖片、音樂、影片...等就多了一份保險囉!!
這是一個免費的 Windows 平台下的檔案恢復工具,它可以用
Recuva (pronounced "recover") is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes files emptied from the Recycle bin as well as images and other files that have been deleted by user error from digital camera memory cards or MP3 players. It will even bring back files that have been deleted by bugs, crashes and viruses!
Release notes
- New file contents analysis.
- Tweaks to secure delete feature.
- Added filter by file type.
- Added status icon to the list view.
- Improved progress indication on large files.
- Several performance improvements.
- Minor tweaks and changes.
Recuva V1.11.257 繁中免安裝