

         完全免費的多功能的下載和管理工具。支持多線程下載,支持計劃任務下載,支持以目錄列表查看檢索站點內容,支持下載網頁內容、圖像、文件,支持抓取網頁上的鏈接,支持下載整個網站內容(可設定下載子目錄的層次深度),理論上可下載超過1000 層的子目錄網頁和圖像等內容。

          支持捕捉網頁風格樣式(以 CSS 內容保存),支持多種格式網頁抓
取,包括:html、shtm、shtml、phml、dhtml、php、hta、htc、cgi、asp、htm 等等……亦可自己設定格式,可在線以「站點瀏覽器」查看目標網站的子目錄中的內容,支持三種下載通訊模式,支持斷點續傳,可顯示服務器是否支持續傳並可設定是否重新下載或覆蓋。Free Download Manager 是一個強大的下載工具,支持多線程分割下載,它還是一個下載加速器,官方宣傳它在某些特定情況下,使用最佳模式下載時,可將下載速度提高到高達 600 % 的速率!支持定時下載和定時掛斷連接,下載完成後斷開連接或關閉電腦。

Free Download Manager (FDM) is a light-weight, powerful and easy-to-use application, a full-featured download accelerator and manager. Moreover, FDM is 100% safe, open-source software distributed under GPL license. FDM allows you to download files and whole web sites from any remote server via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP. With FDM the downloading process will be as easy as never! With FDM you needn't start the downloading from the beginning after casual interruption. You can resume unfinished download from the place where it have been interrupted. Also this program warns you if some servers don't support download resuming. It allows you to make a decision about the downloading. So with FDM you save your time and money.

Free Download Manager never downloads the whole file at once. It splits files into several sections and then downloads them at the same time allowing you to increase your download speed up to 600%. Free Download Manager can be used to organize your downloads, set the connection, launch the programs. Features of the download manager include: easy integration with Internet Explorer and Opera, powerful scheduler, antivirus integration, adjusting traffic usage, resuming downloads, downloading complete websites, http/ftp/bittor

rent support...

◎.支援 Windows 9x/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista (32bit versions only)


Free Download Manager V2.5.755 多國語系免安裝

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